My vacation officially began at 12:10 this afternoon. Darlene and I are flying to Tulsa first thing Monday morning. Unfortunately, I won't have time to post the usual "Monday Menagerie" entry before leaving for the airport. I do, however, have a great post in mind for tomorrow, and I expect to finish writing it on the plane, then post it either from the Dallas Airport, or from Tulsa soon after our arrival. Assuming the hurricane doesn't spin out weather that disrupts our travel, we ought to be in Tulsa by mid-afternoon tomorrow. So keep watching this space. I don't expect the vacation will halt the continuity of the blog.

Have a wonderful time in Oklahoma, Phil! I often visited Tulsa when I was in Bible college in Missouri. It always impressed me as a lovely city. Hope your flights will be smooth!
Welcome back to Tulsa, dude. I drive all over the city, maybe I'll see you.
That picture of you makes you look much more serious than the other one does.
Now there is a respectable photo! Not that I didn't respect you before...
Phil, Since this post has no real topic, I'm going to risk going off-topic.
You once said that you didn't want to install haloscan backtracking because you would lose all previous comments. You can install backtrack only, and retain blogger commenting. It's two simple lines of code, and you can be done in five minutes.
Check it out.
Let's see, the Tulsa/Phil connection. Didn't Joel Osteen get trained in Tulsa?
Trust me. That photo has been airbrushed.
What do you get when you mix Schuller, Warren, Roberts & Dr. Phil?
The charismatic, pop-psychology poster boy himself...the prima donna of pragmatism...the purveyor of positivism...ok, you get my point. Joel Osteen.
thats a nice picture of you phil. You look real sharp. ;-)
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