- Will at "Prydain" finds something in the past week's discussion that would apply to Anglicans.
- Ian Clary spots something fishy but links here anyway.
- Donnie Hiltz loved the series on primary and secondary doctrines. He is the one who prompted me to post about that topic here on the blog.
- Carla Rolfe also thought the series on fundamental doctrines rang a bell. She offered her readers a poll on the subject. Carla's fellow Canadian homeschool mom, Kim, came away with a headache.
- Even Michael Spencer, Internet Monk, recommended the opening post in the "fundamentals" series.
- Scott Zeller knows it's not easy to find a balance that does justice to charity, unity, humility, purity, and faithfulness all at once, and he agrees that the key to balance is the ability to distinguish wisely between the cardinal truths of Christianity and less foundational truths.
- Andrew Jones at "Tall Skinny Kiwi" thinks it would be worthwhile to become conversant with fundamentalism, and he reminds me to answer a question he left in a comment at my blog.
- Dave Bish liked the quotation from Dr. Lloyd-Jones.
- Jonathan Moorhead writes a great post about the benefits of arguing so as not to offendbut then punctuates it with a picture my dear mom might find deeply offensive. Just to make sure the bases are covered, I indulge myself in a suitable hissy-fit and post it in his comments section.
- Fred Butler thinks he might stop blogging. Not now, Fred. I don't want to have to fix my blogroll again so soon.
- Paul at "Cup of Coffee Talk" thinks I might be able to help the Washington Nationals. I doubt it. A couple of years ago I led a chapel service for the Chicago Cubs just before a game at Dodger Stadium. I didn't notice any remarkable effect on the team that day. OK, maybe their outfielders looked like they were a little deeper in thought than usual when those balls sailed over their heads that day. But aside from that, I don't think I had any effect on the game.
PyroManiac (sans beard) on Dodger Diamond Vision. Note fearless display of Chicago Cubs' hat. (Actual photo, no PhotoShop tricks.) - Frank Turk gallantly attemptsonce moreto explain the concept of "humor" to a basically humorless guy.
- Tim Irvin adds a helpful Spurgeon essay on Calvinism, Arminianism, and the importance of making careful distinctions.
- Jonathan Thomas at "BOB" weighs in to say that PyroManiac has been helpful as he tries to dialogue with a friend who is convinced that the big problem in evangelical and fundamentalist circles is that people are too "uptight and unloving" in their attitudes toward false doctrine.
- Blestwithsons at "Blest with sons" (great bloggraphics, by the way) actually likes the comic-book covers, and she is not easily wowed. Take that, all ye scoffers.
- Pilgrim at "Slaves of Righteousness" knows someone a lot like Darwin Fish.
- Timmy at "Provocations and Pantings" recommends my bookmarks. That reminds me. I need to maintain a couple of websites better.
- Tulipgirl agrees that Technorati was beginning to disintegrate faster than the evangelical movement's commitment to sound theology. In fairness, I should note that Technorati's performance and reliability has actually improved a lot since the last time I posted about it. Perhaps the new Google BlogSearch has taken some of the pressure of too much traffic off Technorati. Or maybe Technorati has finally got a handle on the problem. Anyway, we're glad for the improvement. Icerocket.com still gets my hearty recommendation, too.
- Ben Wright at "Paleoevangelical" thinks I'm dead right about a couple of things.
- Gary Scott noticed my reference to the Worldwide Church of God. I got lots of private e-mail response to those comments. I might post more on why I still am not ready to give the group a clean bill of doctrinal health.
- Tim Jack was glad to see John MacArthur's thoughts posted here. He thinks it would be great to see more of John in the blogosphere. Stay tuned.
- Tony Hayling blew me away with his blog, "Agonizomai." Great stuff, and he's been quietly, steadily posting almost nonstop all month. It's all well-written and very insightful. He wishes I'd just post a list of the fundamentals of the faith. His own thoughts on the subject are well worth reading.
- David at "The Creeping Blog of Terror" has been visiting, reading, and commenting on a few Christian blogs, but he describes his own faith as lapsed. Here's hoping he keeps reading and commentingand our prayer is that the Lord will grant him lasting and genuine faith in Christ.
- Andrew Comings finds friends in the vast community of PyroManiac readers.
- Richard Campeau recognizes his friends in my description of certain miscreants. One of his drinking partners, Tommy Crawford, adds his two cents. Tommy
speculates that the comments here just might be computer-generated. It seems there's not enough controversy in your comments for Tommy's tastes. I'm guessing he doesn't get many homeschool moms at his blog, and we know what the clientele is like at that other blog where where he hangs out. Just goes to show: you can't please everyone. - Matt Gumm found the thread on fundamental doctrines fascinating.
- Chris Meirose catches his computer smoking and wonders if he has inherited my curse. I wish.
- David Wayne, better known as "Jollyblogger," offers some good observations on an article by John Frame.
- Phillip Way recommends you stop here first.
- Chris Whitworth is gobsmacked when he finds something on my blog that doesn't offend him in a million different ways.
- Daniel Dusanjh raises an interesting "what if..."
- Murdock over at "The A-Team Blog" shares some excellent links.
- Dave Armstrong spends way more time than necessary demonstrating (for anyone who may have wondered) why he so richly deserves an honored spot in the "Irritating" category of my blogroll.
- The Scribbler at "The Paper Trail" finds encouragement and amusement in the pages of PyroManiac.
- Rev-ed at "Attention Span" recommends some reading material.
- Dale Mitchell at "The Announcerboy Speaks" posts a short rant that perfectly expresses my own concerns about evangelicalism's obsession with worldly shallowness.
- Greg Linscott at "SharperIron"still one of the most consistently thought-provoking blogs aroundreads PyroManiac. He also listened to "Grace to You" last week.
- Steve Hays has a typically insightful analysis of the Mormon-evangelical public-relations campaign.
- OK, technically, Ligon Duncan didn't link here, but he did comment here, so I'm going to include this BlogSpot link to a blogpost at his church's blog, featuring heartbreaking images of a sister church in Jackson.
Not only does Armstrong go on and on for a full page of snipking, he actually replied to his own blog 4 times. I think he needs a prize of some sort.
Ha! It's true, I speculate on my blog that Phil is one of the illuminati, and he ignores it - typical cover-up behaviour!!
oh, the controversy.
My headache is gone now; I useed Tiger Balm. Why didn't you tell me it would leave scars?
Noo!!!..I really don't think I could cope with a word-count of CH Spurgeon's output...
I really think that is pecadillo on the board at dodgers stadium.
Is this a conspiracy?
And, you without a beard? Abhorrent!
Then your similarities to spurgeon end. Ha! Ha!
Tommy's wife is a homeschooling mom who made the last post on the blog. :-)
As a multi-time owner of Phil's blog, I can say I'm partly to blame for it's Blogshare Price. IIRC, I was the first to index it (and subsequently purchase it) beginning it's ascent toward the top of the blogshares listings for it's category(s).
And I too have no idea how the valuation system works there, but it is a nice distraction for a few minutes each day.
Thanks agian Phil for the Blogspotting link. I do blame you for my computer problems, deservedly or not! ;-)
Big Chris
Because I said so blog
Yeah, but is your dictionary unabridged? And if so, how deadly is your backswing?
I noticed blogshares a few days ago as well adn didn't understand it, but I read this, and here's the basic gist...
It's some kind of "Virtual Blog Stock Exchange", meaning the more people you have linking to your site, the more expensive your site is, and people can sign up to "virtual buy" blogshares and make "virtual money".
re: blogshares...
Frank says "blah"
I must add here, "blah, indeed".
Hey Phil,
Was that photo taken on the night that GCC went to the game? If so, I remember something like you hitting Lance Quinn over the head when the camera showed him--or maybe the other way around?
I do remember it was one of John's sons that threw out the first pitch.
About your mug showing up on the Jumbotron: Were you on it for so long that you or your companion had enough time to whip out the camera and take that picture?
My blog's too new to have any value--or so they say...
I like the review--and the links to many of the blogs turned up some interesting reading.
Darlene took that picture. It was one of those moments in the pregame ceremony, between the national anthem and the ceremonial first pitch when no one, but no one, is paying attention. It was a totally and utterly forgettable moment, captured on film by the one person at Dodger Stadium that night who really even cared who the dumb-looking dude wearing the Cubs' hat on on Dodger Diamond Vision was.
I don't recall the incident IWT describes with Lance Quinn, but I think this was taken on the same evening he remembers. That was a long time ago. I barely remember it myself.
Hey Phil, this is late, but I am, with absolute certainty, thoroughly thankful for the blogspot. I have been overwhelmingly edified by your posts.
Proud to be a part of the vast community of Pyromaniac readers!
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