For my readers who wonder what in the world this means,
Matt Gumm has provided a more-or-less objective (and admirably complete) Soap Opera Digest-style rundown of this week's
drama. For those who wonder: No, I am not attempting to prolong someone else's blogwar. I'm an editor, and I have an obsessive urge to supply final punctuation where I see it missing. This imbroglio was fairly screaming for a comic-book cover.
Uh-oh. Got a feeling this isn't going to go over well with iMonk and the BHT folks - particularly since Monk left me two comments today about Turk on my blog, one in relation to a comment Frank left here. I hope you have your flak jacket handy Phil.
I think I may have to redesign that new seal of mine.
Oh and kudos on the (JN) in the bottom right corner...nice touch.
Brad: We'll see. You might be surprised. I'm thinking their collective sense of humor can handle this. There's no political incorrectness for them to take offense at in this one--such as racial caricatures or domestic violence.
But, then, I've overestimated their ability to laugh at themselves before...
Brad...I left you a quote from this web page showing you that Mr. Turk had announced his intention to blog about me long before I invited him to do so. That was all I posted at your site and i did so entirely because you were attempting to recount a sequence of events and you were not aware of who first said they were "going after" me.
Well, you left two comments (I'm including the link to the comment here) and I don't know how many times I have to explain that my post was prompted by events that had happened well prior to the "Turk incident." Still hoping that all who are involved are willing to "turn some cheeks." Phil seems to be gravitating towards this end...will you do the same? Will Frank?
Phil is gravitating toward this end....with this post? Are you serious?
Come on guys. It's Thanksgiving (for a few more minutes Pacific Time, anyway.)!
Try this:
Phil, what about Michael Spencer are you thankful for?
Michael, what about Frank Turk are you thankful for?
Frank, what about Brad...
Oh nevermind. Just play nice...okay?
There's no political incorrectness for them to take offense at in this one--such as racial caricatures or domestic violence.
Phil, well one of the guys does have a gun in front of them at the bar and frank has a sword... (jn)
Phil is gravitating toward this end....with this post? Are you serious?
Yeah, I am. No, not with this post, Michael. I, again, refer you to the many mentions lately at the BHT concerning the acronymn TR. Am I wrong to assume Phil isn't thought of as apart of all your references to the TR camp? Better question, isn't Phil front and foremost of mind when making such comments? If so, he's passed on commenting on many an inflamatory posting. If not, statement retracted.
*holds breath nervously, hoping for the best*
Yay for the return of the comic book cover!
It is a fine likeness of Frank...
*watches from the sidelines, noticing that good looking pizza down there...
As long as I live, I'm sure I will never understand the male mind...
Perhaps I don't want to?
That's funny!
Truly, leathernecks rule. It has been said that there are two kinds of people in the world: Marines, and those who wish they were.
I am quite surprized that no one has noticed the black stoner T Frank is sporting...
Now -THAT- is a nice touch! Phil's photoshopping skills may not be black belt kung-fu, but he makes up for it with flair and style.
I noticed the T-shirt..
you know, after all the kerfuffle about the blogroll, it occurs to me that it's really the zenith to be on a comic cover. Och, I really sound like a fan now.
hey look, I worked out html
Ahh, what a way to start the weekend! I felt something was missing after the whole Turk-Spencer "Dialogue". I felt... a disturbance in the force. It was as if a thousand voices cried out at once and were suddenly silenced.
I believe this post has restored balance to the universe.
The return of the comic-book covers has made my week. Thanks Phil.
Hey: I was thankful for a fat turkey and a wonderful family, and it turns out I still am. My wife scheduled a pre-dinner craft party at my house were everyone traced and cut out an image if his or her hand and then listed all the things one was grateful for. It was really edifying to see all the things my 4-yr-old was grateful for, and to see that "Dad" is still on my 5-yr-old's list.
As for "going after" iMonk, it still remains to be seen if anyone will stand up and say, "sheesh, the Michael Spenser's so well-balanced emotionally, I can't understand what centuri0n is all on about." If having a list of topics to cover for the blog is "going after" people, I'm guilty. For those keeping score, the rest of my Christmas list includes Brian McLaren, a book called Salvation by Earl D. Radmacher, another turkey recipe, my wife's pork chop recipe (since the recipe went over so big), a coupla riffs on Christian retail, and of course the usual blog salad of essential vitamins and minerals.
So someone call McLaren and warn him I'm "going after" him! What so ever shall he do?!
Nice legs, Frank.
You go Frank and Phil nothing like some tough talk to scare/provoke the liberals into repentance.
I forgot to mention Scott McKnight and his Jesu Screed. McKnight is on my "to do" list, too, as well as the reviews for the Narnia books which I have been promising my readers for 3 months now.
I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the whole Spencer/Turk embroglio. It was actually quite FASCINATING. Maybe Michael Spencer inherited Mike Yaconelli's "troubled prophet" mantle. I pretty much enjoyed Yac's "Back Page" for a number of years but I would be one of those who think Yac ultimately killed himself for reasons known only to him and God. There was in Yac that fatal combination of anger/hopelessness and despair. As with most comedians there was that desperate edge.
Michael, don't give into "the Yac." On the other hand I'll certainly agree that "life is tough and then you die."
Phil, you're strong and that's good. Haven't read enough of "the Turk" to yet have a sense of him. Have always envied you your html expetise. I'm jealous; I'll admit that. JB
what does JN mean?
Someone from the Boar's Head would have to explain where that originated and what it means. It's like a super-smiley face, signifying that you're not really serious or trying to start a fight, but just goofing around.
At the BHT, it works like a get-out-of-jail-free card. If you use it, you can post virtually anything you want to say and get by with it.
ahhhhh...ok. thanks.
I have added my two cents to this debate, I hope it is appropriate and edifying:
Head On A Platter
At the BHT, it works like a get-out-of-jail-free card. If you use it, you can post virtually anything you want to say and get by with it.
Our serman this morning was on the whole "love your enemies" thing and this spat came to mind, including "JN".
I've thought of it as not a "get out of jail" card, but more like a "get out of the golden rule free" card.
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