Everything that rhymes with "og" has already been used, too. And no one—but no one—is more clever than Doug Wilson, anyway. So I quickly wrote off the idea of anything with the word blog in the title.
I was gonna call it "PurpleHaze," but the association with Rick Warren was simply too much for me.
I finally settled on PyroManiac, because I wanted a graphic header, and this one was simple.
Those with guilty consciences can relax. The blogname has nothing to do with burning heretics or flaming my critics. The verse under the graphic gives a clue about the name's real significance.
But don't expect this blog to be one of those where "common ground" and peaceful relations are sought with any and every theological perspective. My conscience is captive to the Word of God. I'll be trying to do my little part to call down fire from heaven against evil ideological strongholds and mischievous doctrinal fads (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). I won't back away from getting militant when the topic calls for it. But my targets are ideas, not people. I might step on a few toes; nothing more violent than that against anyone's person, I promise.
Of course, the whole world has gone postmodern. And the church is clumsily trying to play "me-too." So don't be surprised when people act as if they are being tortured whenever an idea they love is even questioned. (I might occasionally even publish a verbal description of a bad idea in its underpants. Then, no doubt, we'll have an international incident on our hands.) Let the pomos shriek and complain. I've opened the comments for that very purpose.
Feel free to use the comments for positive feedback, too. I have only three rules:
- Don't expect me to reply to your comments. If I feel strongly, I might reply in a blog entry. If I have time to waste, I could even post a comment of my own every now and then. (No promises on that.) But don't look for me to mud-wrestle with critics in my own blog-comments.
- Say what you like about me; disagree as strongly as you like; beat me up or slap me around verbally with near-total impunity. But keep within the parameters of Christian civility. I'll automatically delete comments with profane or unwholesome words, including abbreviated or otherwise disguised ones.
- On-topic comments only. If you have other stuff to say to me, send me an e-mail.

Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station.
* "Youth is the teacher of fools."
But don't expect this blog to be one of those where "common ground" and peaceful relations are sought
Oh, and here I thought your blog might be different than any and every blog out there. ;-)
And you ripped off my Death Star/blog metaphor! You have to add Thinklings to "Entertaining" now.
But we'll settle for Weird or even Irritating.
Nice...I've gotta say this...let the fires burn!
As long as it's the Word of God making the heat, I agree: Let it burn.
Servetus was Calvin's "personal weirdo" - a whackjob who came to Geneva to stir up trouble. Should we be surprised he got what he wanted? Good riddance. :)
Having a small flock of personal weirdos myself, I find myself sympathizing with Calvin more and more as they come out of the woodwork . . .
My post on the Calvin/Serevtus mythology got deleted by Phil Johnson because I used the word 'hell'. And you church Christians wonder why God's elect aren't walking through your doors...
Yeah! Nice to see you finally out there blogging. Good luck & happy hunting :-p
Hey, CT: Maybe it wasn't JUST because you used the word "hell." I saw your post before it disappeared. Your post was filled with the kind of stuff he asked people NOT to post in the comments. You tested the limits. Now you know.
But do you REALLY think the reason the elect aren't storming the doors of churches is because Christians don't swear enough? Your outlook seems just a tad warped, if you don't mind me saying so.
Still, if it's cursing you want, I know of some blogs where you can find theological talk mixed with all kinds of unwholesome words. Perhaps you'll find THEY are magnets for the elect.
Then again, I doubt it. See Ephesians 5:3-7.
Not cursing, habitans in sicco, lukewarmness. Phil Johnson didn't like the energy in my post. Afterall, he probably agreed with every word of it (pointing out the propaganda in the 'Calvin burned Servetus' canard).
It's also likely that since Johnson has the typical wet vanity associated with modern day seminary lads that he took it as an insult that someone was saying things that he'd never heard before (some of the points in that comment) and this is always a grave insult to the 'seminary eduacated'. It threatens their self-appointed status and sense of power.
Again, there are reasons God's elect aren't in the visible churches today. We are out in the world doing God's work... In a non-lukewarm manner. I fear no man and I have no fear what any man may think or say about me, therefore I can speak the truth boldly. I only fear God.
Too bad the smoke from the pyro guy won't be seen daily. Be like Mohler: don't sleep.
The real question here is how long it takes before Phil gets so fed up with Blogger that he starts swearing.
If we're going to wager, I give him three weeks. Four if he's only posting a couple of times a week.
lol, Tim.
Come on now, blogger's not THAT bad.
Ah, at last. Flaming, stake-burning, and the fire of God all kindled into one giant blaze.
I'll have to list you in the anti-emerging section of my website.
CT, better check, but I am pretty sure that Phil has not been to seminary. It would help to have your facts straight.
" CT, better check, but I am pretty sure that Phil has not been to seminary. It would help to have your facts straight."
And he still expects us to read his blog? I'm out of here!
Found this from Phil Johnson posted in another forum. I have edited it to eliminate references to specific identities:
Someone e-mailed me to ask what all the fuss was with the comments on my blog. So I came here to see what was going on. I need to explain. I think you misunderstood what happened at the blog.
[One] individual [was] posting imprecatory comments and swearing.... I deleted her tasteless post.
Then she came back and tried to start a flame war in my comments section. So I deleted all her subsequent posts and (since it was so far off topic...) I ALSO deleted the posts of people who had replied to her. I did this indiscriminately. You were not a target. You were not the person I labeled a troll. The termagant was.
If I had a way to ban her, I would. Instead, I'll just keep deleting her rants.
Meanwhile YOU are welcome at my blog. You can post...without fear of molestation by me, as long as you stay on topic and follow my three--now five--simple rules.
...I'm sorry this was unclear. I would've posted a thorough explanation at the blog, but 1) I promised to stay out of the comments section, and 2) I'm busy with other things.
The deletions were done ONLY because of the...vile language. She could've disagreed with me as fiercely as she liked. But since she broke the rules with her first post and has continued to insist that it's only her "energy" that offends me, she's gone for good. I'll delete everything she posts, and everything posted in reply to her.
Everyone else--including you--is welcome to have at it, as long as you stay on topic and follow the rules (including the new one about not feeding trolls).
If Phil doesn't want this posted here, he can delete it. I'm not sure why he didn't post it here in the first place. (I guess he REALLY doesn't want to participate in the comment threads here.) I thought it was a helpful explanation of what was going on.
I feel like such an idiot, totally skimmed over the "Don't feed the trolls" rule.
My Appologies.
I look forward to more posts Phil.
What's all this chatter to and about CT? Isn't there a "don't feed the trolls" rule?
oh wait -- I didn't read the rest. There actually is a rule, and poor Phil is going to have to hire a PT secretary to enforce it. :-)
Hey Phil, how long before there are going to be souvenir matches for sale somewhere here that say 'Pyromaniac' on one side and 'A Blog by Phil Johnson' on the other?
Can I put my order in?
Zippo lighters, James. That's my dream. Zippos with The Spurgeon Archive logo on one side, and the PyroManiac logo on the other.
Hey brother,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the internet. I need the edifying. Your measure of grace is surely that, to build-up. Thanks. A reformed bud in an Arminian land, and local church. I actually love serving with non-reformed brothers, but I need brothers like you to go to now and then. Thanks again.
All for the Cross, Don Sands
exited to read the blog. heard about you through www.dougwils.com. saw the pyromanic on the side and wondered what it was. this site will be a regular read for me.
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