Here's a quick update that will have to suffice for the moment: I'm away this weekend at a leadership retreat in beautiful Oxnard, California. When I get back, I'm going to announce some significant changes with the blog. Stay tuned.
PS: The link above is a Google Earth placemark that will give you a breathtaking view from a satellite of Oxnard's industrial district. It's safe to open or run. I promise.
Is that an outhouse door with the pyro logo on it? Boy, if that is any indication of the upcoming changes I am not sure i want to read about it!
Oh come on, now this just isn't fair! You really like to keep people hanging, don't you? If you had emoticons, I'd leave you a smiley.
The "safe and easy to run" satellite picture of Oxnard is gibberish on a Mac. Other Mac users probably already knew that, anyway.
Makes it pretty safe, then, I guess. It doesn't do anything on my Linux box, either.
WhatTheHeck is a .KMZ file? My PC can't open it 'cause it doesn't recognize the file type. :-(
Oh, well, I already know how beautiful Oxnard is. Have a wonderful rest, Phil, and we look forward to your return!
Sharon: Download Google Earth, which is the coolest program I have ever had on my computer--even cooler than iTunes. (And like iTunes, it's free.) Don't install and run it until you have lots of time to waste. It's very addicting.
Yeah right, if that's an industrial district then I'm a distinguised apologist. Oxnard looks very pretty. Have fun and learn lots!
Yes, Google Earth is extremely addictive; I had to ban myself from touching it for a couple months. I freaked out one of my board members during a demo by zooming in on his kitchen window from thousands of miles up.
Yet another reason to use a real computer instead of a Mac.
BugBlaster wrote: Yet another reason to use a real computer instead of a Mac.
I thought Google Earth was a Windows program. If it runs on Unix, I may have to give it a try.
*high fives Jim*
(I suppose you already know this, but I just noticed your blogname's initials... so now you can be in a Mel Gibson movie, right?)
Sorry, dxinoneman2, this is not the blog for advertising. Please take your spam elsewhere.
I am very thankful for my Mac because it provides the means to be able to read excellent, thought-provoking internet content, like this blog.
Hey Phil, here's a blog idea. How about posting more stuff about smeradactyls and less about controversial things like cessationism/continuationism.
You take all the time you need, Phil.
Anyone would think this was a pay-service, the pressure folks put on you to produce posts.
Don't forget, this is your blog, your rules!
uh oh we're in trouble
thats the Gracelife retreat isn't it?
I like Macs too Anne, just teasing. I used to have one. They can't be beat for some stuff.
Ok, ok, ok, I've now been on Google Earth for 3 hours straight. Now I'll never get anything done!
I have it on good authority that Phil is looking for less conteporary church contentiousness and more ancient apostolic authenticity on his blog... the change he will make is that all posts and comments will now be in Aramaic.
marc, you may be onto something. Except the early church had no pc's -- so there will be papyrus.
Lots and lots of papyrus!
I actually had to take Google Earth off of my computer because I couldn't control myself. Spent to much time on Google Earth, too.
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